Painting concrete

Painting concretePainting of concrete is a good idea and it makes it looks more appealing. However, some preparations must be met and are paramount. For you to achieve satisfying results some steps must be followed and also the process requires some tools such as:

  • Power sander
  • Concrete filler
  • An alkaline cleaner
  • Metal bristled brush
  • Pole sander
  • Paving point

Steps involved

Fill the damaged concrete with the filler

Apply the filler in all holes and scratches in the concrete. The filler also acts as a primer on the surface to be painted. Give the surface enough dry time and make the surface smooth.

Use an alkaline agent to clean the surface

Use an alkaline solution and warm water to clean the surface. The alkaline and warm water helps to remove any oil and greases on the surface that would however discolor the surface after painting.  Use a metal bristle every time you are using the solution. Also, read the leaflet carefully for proper use of the solution. Alkaline solution can be irritating to the skin so always ensure you are well protected.

The surface should be left to dry

You will notice the bubbling when concrete reacts with alkaline solution. Leave this activity for about twenty minutes and then wash it off. Give the surface enough and ample time before you apply the paint. The time should be about two days.

Apply the first coat

Sweep or wipe the surface for any dust that might be present and start painting. A medium size paint brush is recommended as it covers the edges and corners easily whether working on exterior or interior surface.

Roll out more paints

Use a paint roller to apply paint to the sections that were never reached using the brush.  If the paint is applied on a floor, start at the far end of the room such that you finish with the doorway. This is convenient as a stepping off point and to avoid leaving marks before the paint is dry. The drying time of the paint should be at least sixteen hours.

Remove the imperfections using the putty knife

Using a putty knife, remove the protruding lumps and small bumps which might be formed during the first painting. Sand the point where the paints failed to stick. Sweep after the sanding.

Apply the final coat to the surface

Apply the second and the final coat of the coat the same way you applied the first coat. However, press down the roller firmly ensuring the paint mash with spots that could have been missed by the first paint. The paint should dry for five days. Are you struggling to understand the difference between concrete driveways and asphalt driveways? Here’s a guide for you to learn in details.